The drama series “GLOW” on Netflix convinces with strong women and follows the lives of female wrestlers in three seasons. Can fans hope for season 4?
“GLOW” is set in Los Angeles in the 80s. The jobseeker Actress Ruth Wilder (Alison Brie) gets an engagement in the titular wrestling show. In doing so, she unexpectedly gets help from her friend Debbie Eagan (Betty Gilpin). But she has completely different intentions, because Ruth had an affair with Debbies husband, whereupon he divorced her. Debbie sees her chance to retaliate. So far, viewers have been able to watch the unusual series in three seasons on Netflix. However, season 4 has been a long time coming and is fueling the rumor mill for a continuation of the series.
“GLOW”: Season 4 in prospect?
The dramedy series “GLOW” started in 2017 with ten episodes on the streaming platform Netflix and provided a positive response from the audience. One reason was that strong female characters acted as main characters, who made a clear statement in the course of the gender debate. Fans were also happy to see familiar faces who paid a visit to the series: In the third season, the Oscar-winning actress Geena Davis in five episodes. Some wrestling stars from the real lives also have a cameo appearance in “GLOW”, for example Kia Stevens. Hopes are high that season 4 could shine with the same celebrity support! However, the prevailing pandemic has put a spanner in the works for production.
“GLOW” Season 4: Production Ended
Due to the Corona pandemic, Netflix is stopping the The reason for this is rising costs to reduce the To comply with hygiene requirements. With 15 actresses who are part of the main cast of the series, the measures to comply with the restrictions are impossible. The delay of the production process would at the same time mean that there would be no release before 2022 and mean the end for season 4. Netflix lets “GLOW” end with season 3. Small consolation: The story ends with a round conclusion and dismisses fans with a premature but conciliatory finale.